Under Service Category we have various fastest growing trainings, as a result creating great opportunities for new jobs and rapid career advancement. Explore now to know more details on the popular Agile certification courses and enroll today without further delay!
AxiGlobe makes the candidate an industry-fit talented professional by our certification courses, teaching methods, globally recognized Certified trainers, all suited right for your needs. We see the best in the candidate and mold their learning experience to make them the best version. The perks of learning with AxiGlobe are
AxiGlobe’s ability to meet enterprise-wide learning initiatives, while complementing our client’s internal team's resources, gives our clients the global talent they need while removing the logistical issues and constraints for implementation. This enables our clients to focus on other key business drivers.
AxiGlobe’s ability to meet enterprise-wide learning initiatives, while complementing our client’s internal team's resources, gives our clients the global talent they need while removing the logistical issues and constraints for implementation. This enables our clients to focus on other key business drivers.
Understanding the key business drivers within our client’s industry is critical for all projects that AxiGlobe is involved in. Our professionals have this experience to enable rapid project execution.
Customer satisfaction is our #1 priority. We make sure that we give our best at everything we do to all our clients and customers. Our trainer consultants guide each to get the best out of our training which helps them to achieve their business and career goals.
Leading SAFe (5.0), SAFe for Teams (5.0), SAFe DevOps (5.0), SAFe for Teams (5.0) & SAFe Product Own , SPC
Leading SAFe (5.0), SAFe for Teams (5.0), SAFe DevOps (5.0), SAFe for Teams (5.0) & SAFe Product Own , SPC
With the advent of high-end technology used in organizations these days, upskilling the resources and keeping them up to date is pertinent. Many MNCs, public and private companies are using their resources to learn new skills, technologies, and future proof their resource pool at the expense of the organization. Off lately, MNCs are spending billions in imparting Corporate Training to employees across industries. It usually helps maximize resource utilization and helps HRs retain the best resources as they keep on learning new skills that make them interested and motivated.